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This is a collection of motion graphic and animated advertising campaigns created for Discover Financial. In 2024, Discover Financial generated over $1.25 million in gross revenue.

Whether I’m working with storyboards, animation notes, or reference files, I’m able to bring those ideas to life in our high-impact formats. I also love coming up with my own animation concepts and have a strong eye for timing and smooth animation. I’m proficient in Adobe After Effects and can also create animations directly in our ad platform, Celtra.

I’ve always had a passion for motion graphics and text animation projects, which goes back to my love for animation that I developed while studying it in college. My love for animation has led me to take on the task of creating several animation templates for the team to use, such as when putting together team sizzle reels or creating reels for our advertisers. These templates help streamline the process and ensure consistency across projects.


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Interactive Ad Experience


Ben & Jerry's

Interactive Mockup Ad

© 2025 - Teresa Midolo

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